miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Influencer Marketing


Influencer is the influence action and effect. This verb refers to the effect that something has on another (for example, wind on the water) or the dominance exerted a person ("John has a great influence on the decisions of his younger brother").

Thus, referring to people, the influence is the power or authority of someone on another subject. That power can be used to intervene in a business, to gain an advantage or to order something. In other words, influence is the ability to control and alter the perceptions of others.

This concept is subjective and, as such, perception of the influence of a person on the other varies according to the observer. There are a number of situations that are frowned upon by most of the individuals of the same culture, as with consumption etupefacientes, the armed robberies, sexual abuse and murders; each has a different level of severity, but these actions are considered crimes for most societies. Therefore, if a parent knows that their child has made ​​friends with a person addicted to any drugs, surely oppose the relationship claiming that it is a bad influence.

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